We are happy to replace all item(s) in the unlikely event that they are damaged or spoiled during transit. To make sure you are satisfied with the product you receive, please inspect the contents as soon as your order arrives. All return requests must be received within 14 days after receiving products.
We are not responsible for damage or loss because of shipments being returned to the freight location or being undeliverable because of incorrect address information you supply to us, or for the inability of a recipient to receive the package on the day you specify that it be delivered.
If your gift is returned to us because of an incorrect address provided by you, because of its perishability, we must dispose of the contents of the gift and you will not be refunded.
If you wish for us to reship a fresh gift, you will be charged 50% of the gift cost plus the full cost of Shipping/Handling. Refunds for damaged goods can only be credited to the originating credit card.
For more information, please email us at info@ohananuilife.com